Our social media/community guidelines

Healthy Kids Association Facebook Community Guidelines

Hello friends! Our community guidelines aim to ensure that our Facebook page and other social media sites are inclusive and inviting for everyone. By interacting with us on social media, you agree to the following:

Comment moderation policy

We ask that you treat our Facebook page as though you’re in the same room with a group of friends. We ask you to be mindful of others and their opinions. Any comments that are considered offensive, threatening or unlawful will be deleted.

Remember, this is the real world and we will not tolerate any cyber bullying – be kinder than is necessary. Any content that is threatening, abusive, defamatory, indecent, menacing, harassing, offensive, infringes any person’s intellectual property rights or harasses anyone, in any way, will be deleted.

We will not tolerate racism, misogyny or rudeness. If you post something of this nature your comment will be deleted and you may be banned from the page.

 Community standards

1. We welcome considerate debate and understand that there will be differences of opinion from time to time, but personal attacks (on authors, moderators, other users or any individual), trolling or abuse will not be tolerated.

2. We acknowledge criticism of Healthy Kids Association’s philosophy, policies and performance, but we will not allow persistent misrepresentation of our stance. We will delete any comments that are in disagreement with us if they are offensive, rude and distasteful, or offer harmful advice for others based on our employees’ professional knowledge and code of conduct. Similarly, we will only tolerate comments, posts and links that are evidence-based. Myths, misinformation and details of popular or fad diets will be deleted if we think they do not sit within the parameters of the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating that underpins our philosophy.

3. We will remove any content that may put us (or you) in legal jeopardy. This includes potentially defamatory comments, material or links posted in potential breach of copyright and includes offensive profile pictures that contain profanities or indecent imagery.

Employee participation

All Healthy Kids Association employees or board members participating in discussion on the Healthy Kids Association Facebook page should be aware of this Social Media Policy and adhere to the guidelines.

 Thank you for your participation

We welcome all of our social media followers and we hope you find the information on our page useful. We appreciate your support and we look forward to having a lively, informative and polite discussion with you.