
What is Crunch&Sip® ?

It is a set time for primary students to ‘refuel’ on veg and fruit, and ‘rehydrate’ with water. Many students are not eating enough veg and fruit or drinking enough water. Students who are not hungry and are well hydrated:

  • perform better in the classroom
  • show increased concentration
  • less likely to be moody and disruptive

Each school can choose the best time and way to have Crunch&Sip®. All classes may have Crunch&Sip® at the same time, or teachers can decide for their own class. Teachers may have Crunch&Sip® time while students carry on with their work. They may also stop work and hold a Crunch&Sip® activity inside or outside of the classroom.

Watch the video to find out how schools have successfully implemented Crunch&Sip®.

Have a look at the Crunch&Sip® webpage for some guidance on how to implement Crunch&Sip® in your school.

What teachers are saying about Crunch&Sip:

“It’s well worth the time it takes to have Crunch&Sip®, to improve students’ concentration for the remainder of the morning.”

Crunch&Sip® is having an impact on students’ learning and making a difference to children’s lunchboxes, which now often contain much healthier options.”

“Some classes were already having a fruit break. Having Crunch&Sip® gave consistency across the whole school.”

“We were concerned at the amount of processed foods students were consuming. To encourage healthier eating habits, the school introduced Crunch&Sip®. The outcomes have demonstrated the positive and life-changing influences that we, as teachers, can have upon our students.”

Crunch&Sip® started fairly slowly, although as people started to see the benefits it increased.”

Crunch&Sip® resources

The Crunch&Sip® program offers teachers a variety of useful resources.

For more information:

Visit the NSW Health Crunch&Sip® website, or contact the Live Life Well @ School program team:
