The Big Vegie Crunch grant application

Our apologies; we have received the maximum number of applications and have now closed the application form.

Vegetable Week 2024 will run from Monday 18 March to Friday 22 March. The Big Vegie Crunch is held at 10am on Thursday 21 March.

To help schools participate in The Big Vegie Crunch, there are $75 grants available to 100 schools to purchase vegetables for the event.

This grant is only available to schools registered for, and participating in, The Big Vegie Crunch event during Vegetable Week. If your school hasn’t registered for the 2024 Big Vegie Crunch event, please do so via the registration webpage.

Grant applications must be submitted prior to the commencement of Vegetable Week.

Vegie Grant process
The first 100 eligible schools to apply will receive a Vegie grant. Schools will be notified within a few days via the contact details provided in the form below.

Vegie grant payment
Schools approved for the grant will receive a reimbursement of up to $75 for the purchase of vegetables for the Big Vegie Crunch. Once your application has been approved, you will receive an email with more information about the reimbursement process.