Fruit & Veg Month 2017 recipes

After all the learning about the power of fruit and vegetables, why not get practical with your students? The Fruit & Veg Month 2017 lesson fours are titled ‘Eat More Fruit & Veg’ and provide easy to use recipes so that kids can get involved in including more fruit and vegetables in their meals and snacks. There are even videos to demonstrate each recipe.

Although we have suggested particular recipes for each Stage, feel free to use the ones that suit your class best.

Stage 1

Sandwich sticks

Recipe. Click here to view and download the recipe.

Food preparation equipment. To prepare this in the classroom you will also need:

  • Wooden skewers – 1–2 per student.
  • Cookie cutters in a variety of shapes – allow 1 per child so that students can mix and match without too much waiting.
  • Reusable plate and apron – 1 set per student. Request these from home.
  • Serving dishes/plates and utensils (e.g. tongs) for ingredients – 1 set per 3–4 students.
  • Sharp knives and cutting boards – this is for the teacher and parent helpers only. Allow 1 set per adult.
  • Vegetable peeler – 1 for making carrot shavings.

Additional information. To make the process easier, divide students into groups of 3–4 and provide each group with a serving dish containing enough ingredients for their group.

Fruit Wands

Recipe. Click here to view the recipe

Food preparation equipment. To prepare this in the classroom you will also need:

  • Wooden skewers – 1–2 per student.
  • Cookie cutters – 1 set. For cutting some of the softer fruits into fun shapes.
  • Reusable plate and apron – 1 set per student. Request these from home.
  • Serving dishes/plates and utensils (e.g. tongs) for ingredients – 1 set per 3–4 students.
  • Sharp knives and cutting boards – this is for the teacher and parent helpers only. Allow 1 set per adult.

Additional information.  To make the process easier, divide students into groups of 3–4 and provide each group with a serving dish containing enough ingredients for their group.

Stage 2

Cheese, tomato and spinach pockets

Recipe. Click here to view and download the recipe.

Food preparation equipment. To prepare this in the classroom you will also need:

  • Sandwich press/es – 1 sandwich press per 4–6 students
  • Sharp knives and cutting boards – 1 set per 4–6 students. If teacher/parent helpers are to slice the tomatoes than only 1 set will be required.
  • Reusable plate/container and apron – 1 set per student. Request these from home.
  • Serving dishes/plates and utensils (e.g. tongs) for ingredients – 1 set per 4–6 students.

Additional information.  If preferred, teacher and/or parent helpers could pre-slice the tomatoes. To make the process easier, divide students into groups of 4–6 and provide each group with a serving dish containing enough ingredients for their group.

Layered yoghurt and fruit crumble

Recipe. Click here to view and download the recipe.

Food preparation equipment. To prepare this in the classroom you will also need:

  • Reusable cup/container and apron – 1 set per student. Request these from home.
  • Serving dishes/plates and utensils (e.g. spoons) for ingredients – 1 set per 4–6 students.

Additional information. To make the process easier, divide students into groups of 4–6 and provide each group with a serving dish containing enough ingredients for their group.

Stage 3

Chilli con carne

Recipe. Click here to view and download the recipe.

Food preparation equipment. To prepare this in the classroom you will also need:

  • Electric frypan with lid or frypan with lid and a portable cooking element – 1 per cooking group.
  • Cooking spoon or spatula – 1 per cooking group.
  • Sharp knives and cutting boards – 1 set per cooking group. If teacher/parent helpers are to pre-prepare ingredients than only 1–2 sets will be required.
  • Grater – 1 per cooking group. If teacher/parent helpers are to pre-prepare ingredients than only 1 will be required.
  • Tablespoon, teaspoon and cup measures – 1 set per cooking group. If teacher/parent helpers are to pre-measure ingredients than only 1–2 sets will be required.
  • Can opener – 1.
  • Reusable plate/container and apron – 1 set per student. Request these from home.
  • Serving dishes/plates and utensils (e.g tongs) for ingredients – 1 set per cooking group.
  • Serving dishes/plates and utensils (e.g. spoon) for the finished dish – 1 set per cooking group.

Additional information.  The full recipe provides 20 serves which should be adequate for the average size class. However, if you wish to have more students involved in the cooking, you can opt to divide the recipe into smaller portions (e.g. half or quarter). Small groups can then cook these smaller portions.

Fruit smoothie

Recipe. Click here to view the recipe.

Food preparation equipment. To prepare this in the classroom you will also need:

  • Blender – 1 per cooking group.
  • Serving dishes/plates and utensils (e.g. spoons) for ingredients – 1 set per 4–6 students.
  • Cup measures – 1 set per cooking group.
  • Reusable cup/container and apron – 1 set per student. Request these from home.

Additional information. If you wish, you can opt to divide or multiply the recipe for ease of preparation. If students are to make the smoothies in small groups, you can give them the option of choosing their fruit.