Healthy Kids News & Advice

Record keeping

Record keeping


A school canteen needs to tick a lot of boxes. It must deliver healthy nutritious food, be a profitable food business, and operate under certain rules and regulations, including
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Food safety in the canteen

Food safety in the canteen


Even though your canteen may be not-for-profit or staffed mostly by volunteers, you still need to abide by all the policies and regulations surrounding food safety. What you need to
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Marketing & Promotion: NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy

Marketing & Promotion: NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy


One of the criteria of the NSW Healthy School Canteen Strategy is that only Everyday food and drinks can be promoted, advertised or displayed in prominent positions in the
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Get More Help

Get More Help


If you need additional support to understand and apply the NSW Food and Drink Criteria to your canteen menu, contact the relevant free support service listed below: Primary and combined
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Marketing Food at School workshops (ACT only)

Marketing Food at School workshops (ACT only)


Healthy Kids is running a series of FREE 'Marketing Food at School' workshops in the ACT in 2017. Our aim is to increase the amount of healthier food and drink purchased at
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