Fruit & Veg Month 2022 Family Challenge

This Fruit & Veg Month we are getting every family member involved.  Take the Fruit & Veg Month Family Challenge to help every family member eat more fruit and vegetables! This year’s event will be held from Monday 29 August to Friday 23 September.


Eating enough fruit and vegetables is important for your family’s health and wellbeing. Doing it together as a family can help make it easy and fun!


  • Try to include some fruit or vegetables with every meal and snack
  • Aim for half of the food served at lunch or dinner to be vegetables
  • Aim to serve fruit for half of your snacks
  • Make it easy – have pre-cut fruit and vegetables in the fridge ready to go for hungry hands
  • For more ideas, including easy snack and meal recipes, go to 2022 recipes

How much fruit and veg do we need?

Use the handy guide below to find out

  • what a serve is
  • the recommended number of serves for children, teenagers and adults

To participate, download the Fruit & Veg Month 2022 Family Challenge Poster.

How to participate:

  1. As a family, decide on a non-food-based reward. At the end of the week, your family will celebrate all the fruit and vegetables you have eaten with this reward.
  2. Place a tick next to the days where you and your family met your recommended amounts of fruit and vegetables.
  3. At the end of the month, take a photo of your completed 4-week challenge and post it on social media. Remember to use the hashtag #FruitAndVegMonth.